Sunday, August 1, 2010

Little Helper

We have had lots of projects going on at one time in this house and they must be finished by the end of this week! I am famous for doing things like this, especially when I am about to host a shower or a party of some kind...and that is exactly what is going on! My brother is getting married in September and I am hosting their shower in two weeks. Here are the projects that I have created: build a new dining room table, paint upstairs bathroom/cabinets, paint downstairs bathroom and redecorate, paint our bedroom and redecorate, paint in the laundry room, redecorate my dining room to match my new table, clean out closets and organize, hire a cleaning get the idea! Anyway, Kade has been quite the helper. Anytime Mike has a tool out or we have paint close by, he wants to help and we let him. Sometimes my husband could exude a little more patience :), but I love that Kade is learning to use a saw, drill, paint brush, etc at such an early age.

Working on my table...

Mowing in his cowboy boots and Ranger gear!

Hanging pictures....

I just walked into the living room and found this....

He said that Chuey looked like he needed a bandage on his leg...

Chuey doesn't look too happy about this!


  1. Oh my word I about died laughing when I read this post! Sounds like our house! AND I read it to Travis and told him, " SEE I'm not the only crazy who does 10 projects at the same time!"

    So thankyou for making him realize this :)

    Now... you MUST post more pictures of your projects! Or I'll just come over and see for myself :)

    Love your house!

  2. Oh my gosh Kaci! You're making me tired just thinking about all the projects you have going. If you're like me (which I think you are obviously) won't sleep at night either. Thoughts of how to re-decorate, where to put things, etc...runs through your mind.
    Seriously...I've bought sleeping pills to help me fall asleep! Craziness!!!!

    How Mike gets them all finished! hahaha

    I don't know your brother, but I would love to come help host! see all the finishing touches.

  3. Love your Blog! It looks just like mine... Looks like we have very similar taste! It was very nice to meet the Lady that lives in the adorable Red Cottage! (that's what I call your house) PS.. it's Sarah from Dr. McGaffin's office ;o)
