Monday, January 2, 2012

1st Grade/1st Semester

In one year, my son has grown almost 4 inches. I thought as a Kindergartener he looked old, but looking at those pictures from last year and him now he was a baby.

We love his teacher this year. Mrs. Alders is wonderful and very patient with Kade. Right away she tested all of her students to find out their reading level so that students could be grouped together. Kade tested at a level 16, which is where he should be at the beginning of 2nd grade. She had no one to group him with so she found a student in another teachers class (who happens to be one of his best friends) and they meet during reading time. I'm so proud of my little smarty!

Kade has been struggling to stay on "Green" on the behavior chart. Mrs. Alders mentioned that maybe we should test for ADD. She said that she hated to see him get in trouble for things that he can't necessarily control. SO, we filled out all of the paperwork and met with a doctor. She reviewed the Connors questionnaire and then sent us home with a few more questions to answer. I met with her yesterday and she said that she could not diagnose him with ADD and would not prescribe him any type of medication. what is the problem? She said he has slight tendencies,but he is a NORMAL 7 year old boy. I am relieved and in the same breath frustrated. I sent his teacher the information and this is why I love her...she said, "Then we will just have to make sure we find alternative ways to stimulate Kade and make sure that he is challenged. I miss that little guy and can't wait to see him on Thursday." I hope Kade always has teachers that truly love him and want the best for him.

The 2nd semester of 1st grade begins tomorrow and we're ready!

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